

Taxonomy of Seniors’ Needs for Food and Food Assistance in the United States


Qualitative Health Research, February 2020


Warren, Andrea M; Frongillo, Edward A; Alford, Shana; McDonald, Erin


Taxonomy of Seniors’ Needs for Food and Food Assistance in the United States

Abstract: Food insecurity results in poor health among seniors. Food and nutrition assistance targeted to seniors experiencing or at risk of food insecurity prevents poor health outcomes and enables seniors to age in place. Currently, the primary modes of service delivery are targeted to seniors who are older and frailer than average, rendering these modes less responsive to the needs of the broader population of food-insecure seniors and limiting the preventive potential of food assistance. This study aimed to understand needs among seniors for food and food assistance and to develop a comprehensive taxonomy for these needs. The taxonomy depicts seniors’ self-identified needs that relate to their ability to access and use food and nutrition assistance across three domains: physical abilities, consuming food, and access and use of transportation. The results of this study are intended to provide in-depth information to support effective alignment of programs with seniors’ needs.

Authors: Warren, Andrea M; Frongillo, Edward A; Alford, Shana; McDonald, Erin

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