Become part of a vital, global community dedicated to improving nutrition implementation worldwide

Help us shape the future of implementation by contributing to our various activities.
Get Involved
As well as to providing vital support to SISN to deliver on its mission, participating in SISN activities will also provide opportunities to enhance your networks and career profile. You can get involved by:
- Participating in our interactive webinars and other live events
- Submitting an article on your work for consideration for our blog
- Highlighting resources to add to our Knowledge Hub
- Volunteering for one of our working groups when opportunities arise
- Forwarding our newsletter and event invitations to other interested parties
- Following us on LinkedIn and Twitter and commenting on and sharing our posts.
Please feel free to email us if you’d like to become more actively engaged with SISN.
Thank you for becoming part of our global community helping to improve the delivery of nutrition implementation worldwide. Together we can “Connect Knowledge with Action for Impact!”