WEBINAR Scaling up Micronutrient Interventions in Nigeria

How the SISN Framework is Being Used to Guide Implementation Research

On February 9th, 2023, over 50 attendees joined our live broadcast to learn more about the Nigeria Micronutrient Powder (MNP)/Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) Implementation Science Study.

SISN Vice President, Dr. Rebecca Heidkamp, welcomed everyone to the webinar and started the proceedings by sharing the details of SISN’s new Strategic Plan and how these refreshed goals are reflected in the work being conducted in Nigeria.

During the 30-minute presentation that followed, Nutrition Consultant, Dr. Olutayo Adeyemi shared the background, methods and current status of the implementation research on MNP, MMS and iron-folic acid (IFA) supplementation in Nigeria. Showcasing how the five domains of SISN’s framework have been applied to facilitate this comprehensive enquiry and produce readily actionable findings.

A lively discussion period followed, moderated by Dr Shannon King, SISN’s Councilor-at-Large, where attendees commented and posed their questions.

We are pleased to share a FREE recording with you, as well as a PDF version of the slides (IntroductionPresentation).

We hope that you find the webinar informative. We welcome your thoughts, comments and questions on the topic or the webinar itself. Please send any feedback to: info@implementnutrition.org. We also encourage you to share this webinar with anyone who may find it of interest.

Look out for more outputs from this work in the coming months.

Permission for Use: This webinar and the associated pdf version of the slides may be copied in any form and used for non-commercial purposes provided that the content of any copy is not altered and, it is clearly indicated that NIAHI/SISN is the originator of this material.

The Nigeria Micronutrient Powder (MNP)/Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) Implementation Science Study is an ongoing innovative collaboration between SISN, DSM, Sight and Life, United Nations Children’s Fund, the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health, the University of Ibadan, and the Nutrition, Agriculture and Health Initiative, Nigeria.