SISN’s Most Popular Posts of 2019
We have some great content planned for 2020. We will continue to raise awareness of the benefits of Implementation Science (IS) and provide more examples of ‘how to’ use IS in practical environments.
During 2019, we observed the traffic to our website increase by over 100%. Many of you are seeking more information about SISN and how to get involved with us. While our webinars and Knowledge Hub pages are also frequently accessed resources.
We also have over 30 blogs covering everything from the SISN framework and ethics, to country case studies and expert interviews. Below we highlight our three top-read blogs in 2019.
1. Integration of Maternal Nutrition into Nepal’s Health Service Platforms: What’s Happening?

This blog highlights lessons learned from the implementation of Suaahara II, a large-scale, multi-sector program that addresses maternal nutrition in Nepal.
Interested in hearing more about Suaahara II? Listen to our webinar recording where members of the project team shared their experiences and answered your questions on the ‘how to’ aspects of implementation.
2. How do we build and move the science of implementation forward?

This blog summarizes the proceedings and outcomes of a workshop on Implementation Science facilitated by SISN at ASN’s Nutrition 2019 in Baltimore. During the session, SISN Board Members guided the seventy attendees through a series of activities with the purpose of enhancing understanding of what IS is, its purpose in nutrition, and its relevance to their work.
3. Take Action Now to Advocate for Nutrition

“Advocacy” is the act or the process of supporting a cause or proposal. This blog was written by Bill O’Keefe, interim Executive Vice President for Church Engagement and Vice President for Government Relations and Advocacy at Catholic Relief Services. He describes how implementation research can be used by advocates and shares tips and tools on how to become an effective advocate for nutrition.
Learn more by listening to our webinar “How Can Advocacy Enhance Implementation Science in Nutrition?”
Check out more insightful articles on our blogs page.
We would like to thank all the individuals and organizations who have contributed to our monthly blogs over the past year, and to the Eleanor Crook Foundation whose generous grant supported our communications activities.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on these articles and suggestions for future topics. If you have a case study or experience related to implementation science in nutrition that you’re willing to share with our audience, please get in touch.